Which Qualitative Pilates product is right for me?
- I’m an existing Qualitative Pilates client who has attended a Beginners Course -> Foundation Pilates (after 6 to 12 months+, if you are ready and wish to, you can move into Progressive Pilates).
- I’ve recently done in person Pilates classes elsewhere for at least 6 to 12 months+ -> EITHER Foundation Pilates (if your interest is in more gentle/restorative Pilates) OR Progressive ‘Pilates (if you would like more challenging options in the class, requires ideally either practice at home between classes and/or attending 2 classes per week).
- I’m totally new to Pilates ->2 hour Basics Workshop or Private Lesson(s) -> Foundation Pilates
- I’ve not done Pilates for ages/had some body changes since I last did -> Ideally 2 hour Basics Workshop -> Foundation Pilates
- I’ve done Pilates before but online rather than a physical class -> 2 hour Basics Workshop or Private Lesson -> Foundation Pilates
- I’ve done the 2 hour Basics Workshop and I’d like to continue -> Foundation Pilates – a gentle class which accommodates those new to Pilates as well as those who have been doing it for a while and prefer a more restorative/gentle approach, rather than a higher level of physical challenge. You can stay at this level for as long as suits you.
- I’m an existing Qualitative Pilates client who has attended ongoing classes for 2 terms or more -> EITHER Foundation Pilates OR Progressive Pilates.